19th September 2024

Search Redbourn Parish Council

Working with the Community since 1894

Cllr Teresa Finnigan

Cllr Teresa Finnigan

Teresa has been a councillor for Beaumont ward since 2014.

Teresa is a member of the following:

  • Commons & Open Spaces Committee
  • Planning
  • Redbourn Against Greenbelt Erosion (RAGE)

Teresa is also Redbourn Parish Council representative for Redbourn Charities and Youth Organisations.

07968 171654

Introductory Information about Teresa

"I have lived in Redbourn all my life and decided I wanted to get involved in the parish council to give something back. In 2014, I was fortunate enough to get elected, so by day I'm a personal assistant for a local company and by night a parish councillor at various meetings.

I'm currently the chair of Planning and vice chair of Commons and Green Spaces.

I'm involved in the development of our Neighbourhood Plan, and protecting our Green Belt, through RAGE (Redbourn Against Green Belt Erosion), where we have a Facebook page keeping residents up to date with local greenbelt issues and St Albans District Council's (SADC) Local Plan that could have massive implications for our Village's future. I'm very passionate about ensuring the village retains its unique character and surrounding countryside.

With the aid of a former councillor, a couple of years ago, we set up Friends of the High Street (FOTHS), made up of local residents who have got together, looking at ways we can help revitalise our High Street, we're starting to see progress, our local heritage is now on the independent Redbourn Village Online website which I manage, we now have a regular village market, helped promote a community hub now called Redbourn Emporium, working with the local businesses and shops and much more...

It's been a busy few years, getting to know the ins and outs of working as a parish councillor, lots of meetings, speaking to many residents, joining various other committees and knowing that there are people within our community, who really just want what's best for the village. It's a great place to live and I will do my best to make sure Redbourn continues to stay that way!"

Last updated: Mon, 20 May 2024 12:13