19th September 2024

Search Redbourn Parish Council

Working with the Community since 1894

Parish Facilities

Photo of North Common with footpath leading down to the central avenue of trees

North Common with footpath leading down to the central avenue of trees

Redbourn Parish Council provides residents with a wide range of community facilities and services from the parish precept paid for out of your council tax. We manage and maintain green spaces in the village including our beautiful Redbourn Common, the Millennium Site (Old Station Yard) on the Nickey Line and Cumberland Garden; mowing the grass, taking care of the trees, the memorial benches and protecting and encouraging new growth and biodiversity in our rare wildflower meadows.

Photo of the war memorial at sunset on Redbourn Common opposite the Parish Centre by Ann Kelly of Learn Digital

The war memorial on Redbourn Common opposite the Parish Centre

Redbourn Parish Council maintains and undertakes regular safety checks and repairs to children's play equipment in the 4 village play areas, looks after the Redbourn Museum building Silk Mill House and the Parish Stores, our storage facility on the Common.

It is also responsible for seats, the defibrillator outside the Parish Centre, planters, parish notice boards, litter bins and dog waste bins across the village. Allotment sites are leased by the Council to the Allotment Association for use by residents who wish to grow their own fruit and vegetables.

The Council owns and is responsible for the Parish Centre, home to the chamber where council meetings are held and where the Police office is located. The building is also a very busy and active community centre providing and managing bookings for weekly exercise classes, parties, meetings and workshops, exhibitions, conferences and many other community events.

In addition to this, Redbourn Parish Council provides community grants to support local organisations and helps launch new projects and initiatives of benefit to Redbourn community. In particular the council contributes grant money towards the fortnightly Citizens Advice Redbourn Outreach service and part funds our local PCSO and police surgeries both of which take place at the Parish Centre.

Photo of grassy common area with trees and houses in the background

Looking out across South Common with the Old Dairy Farm in the distance

Last updated: Thu, 12 May 2022 14:11