19th September 2024

Search Redbourn Parish Council

Working with the Community since 1894


We have a full time clerk to the parish council, Chris Kenny and 2 other part time office staff: Vicky Kidd (Deputy Clerk) and Zoe Urrejola (Facilities Officer)

Together they work closely with both Redbourn and district councillors plus St Albans District and Hertfordshire County Councils, delivering services to Redbourn community.

Photo of Chris Kenny Parish Clerk

Chris Kenny

Parish Clerk

01582 794832
07436 549584

The overall responsibility of the clerk is to implement the policy decisions of the council and to ensure the business of the council runs smoothly and efficiently and is carried out in accordance with the law. The main areas of responsibility are:

  • To advise the council regarding matters of law, statutes and procedures
  • Prepare and issue agendas and subsequent minutes
  • Carry out any actions agreed by council
  • Responsible Financial Officer (RFO), reporting income and expenditure to the council on a regular basis and ensuring accounts are in order for the year end external auditor
  • In certain circumstances, the clerk can be given delegated powers
Photo of Vicky Kidd Deputy Clerk

Vicky Kidd

Deputy Clerk

01582 794832

The role of the deputy clerk is primarily to provide support to the clerk, ensuring that the council's civic and administrative functions and services are performed professionally, and in accordance with all the relevant statutory obligations.

Key responsibilities include:

  • Preparing the agenda and minutes for the Planning committee meetings and recording the decisions made with the district council.
  • Managing hall and meeting room enquiries, making bookings, keeping the diary in good order and invoicing.
  • To provide administration support to the Fireworks working party
  • Sourcing advertisements and articles for the Redbourn News.
  • Assisting with day to day issues and actions that arise
  • Social media content
  • Issuing the E-Review on a monthly basis
Photo of Zoe Urrejola Facilities Officer

Zoe Urrejola

Facilities Officer

01582 794832

The facilities officer is responsible for maintaining, upgrading and managing the land and buildings owned by Redbourn Parish Council.

The main objective is to ensure the physical infrastructure of any asset, such as the Parish Centre, is fit for purpose for its users and adheres to the health and safety standards required by law.

A large part of the role is to write new contracts and engage and manage suppliers, to carry out our management plans correctly, on time and within budget. Our largest contract is Grounds Maintenance. There is a complex management plan for each piece of land and its' flora and fauna, to try to deliver a thriving and balanced ecosystem. In conjunction with external consultants, the plan is regularly reviewed and improved upon, to ensure we manage the land to the best of our ability, within our ever-changing environment.

Last updated: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:21